Looking at the revenue time series in Figure 1 some patterns emerge. Almost every Sunday there’s a peak in revenue unless it’s a holiday
A study done in 2016 found Sunday to be the most popular day for online shopping in both US and UK, so it’s not just a trend in Japan.
Looking more broadly, the daily revenues go down in January reaching the minimum in mid February. Then the numbers slowly increase until leveling off in mid March.
Cumulative numbers for each weekday in Figure 2 confirm the popularity of Sundays. Tuesday is the least popular day for spending money on clothing.
If you want to learn more interesting facts about Japanese fashion e-commerce trends, please select "日本のファッションeコマースの動向 の材料について" and send us your contact information from HERE.

Looking at the revenue time series in Figure 1 some patterns emerge. Almost every Sunday there’s a peak in revenue unless it’s a holiday
A study done in 2016 found Sunday to be the most popular day for online shopping in both US and UK, so it’s not just a trend in Japan.
Looking more broadly, the daily revenues go down in January reaching the minimum in mid February. Then the numbers slowly increase until leveling off in mid March.
Cumulative numbers for each weekday in Figure 2 confirm the popularity of Sundays. Tuesday is the least popular day for spending money on clothing.
If you want to learn more interesting facts about Japanese fashion e-commerce trends, please select "日本のファッションeコマースの動向 の材料について" and send us your contact information from HERE.

Looking at the revenue time series in Figure 1 some patterns emerge. Almost every Sunday there’s a peak in revenue unless it’s a holiday
A study done in 2016 found Sunday to be the most popular day for online shopping in both US and UK, so it’s not just a trend in Japan.
Looking more broadly, the daily revenues go down in January reaching the minimum in mid February. Then the numbers slowly increase until leveling off in mid March.
Cumulative numbers for each weekday in Figure 2 confirm the popularity of Sundays. Tuesday is the least popular day for spending money on clothing.
If you want to learn more interesting facts about Japanese fashion e-commerce trends, please select "日本のファッションeコマースの動向 の材料について" and send us your contact information from HERE.